Wednesday, February 19, 2025

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Entries for December 2012

E20 directly into the Aleph is excellent. That was a surprise. Better resolution, better sound-stage, better dynamics. And just as sweet. You´re not getting it back.

E. Jensen,


Power amp: Pass Aleph
Speakers: Reference 3A Royal Master.
Preamp: Modwright LS100 

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Published at and by RKlein

To my ears, the E20 gave the best presentation of the SABRE chip that i have heard to date. I realize that the Invicta DAC is getting excellent reviews as well. However, that DAC runs $1,500 more than the E20. I think the E20 at its price point is a very solid contender. So much so that I ordered one.

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Posted in: Reviews, e20 DAC
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Part One: First impressions (day 1-3)

My first impressions of the Exasound E20 DAC come with a slight (or maybe large, we’ll see) caveat.  Although Exasound includes a 12V brick laptop style power supply in this $2499 DAC so far all listening was done using a 3rd party upgraded linear power supply, my Hynes SR3-12.  It seemed a natural fit as it is already set for 12V and uses the same dc plug that the E20 needs.   This “upgrade-ability” is a big plus for DAC designs like the E20.  Think about it:  you get to spend $$ on the DAC design only, use the stock (medical grade) ps for awhile, and then save up for upgraditis.  Plus, the EMI is a good 1 meter away, as no transformer is enclosed inhouse (reminds me of the saying "when criticizing someone first walk a mile in their shoes"...that way when you criticize them you are a mile away...and have their shoes!!  :) )

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Posted in: Reviews, e20 DAC
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