Monday, October 21, 2024

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Novo/Canada Hi-Fi - TAVES Consumer Electronics Show Coverage by Douglas Brown




With a history of releasing ‘cutting edge’ digital products, EXA Sound of Toronto gave TAVES 2016 the world premier of two new DACs: 1), their brand new flagship e32 two-channel DAC ($3,499 USD); and 2), their new e38 multi-channel DAC ($3,849 USD). Both DACs are based on the 4th-generation Sabre ES-9028 digital chip. All of EXA Sound’s components are designed and built entirely in Canada.

Set-up in a 2-channel system with EXA Sound’s PlayPoint Network Audio Player ($1,999 USD), the e32 DAC, a Pass Labs X350.8 solid state power amplifier ($19,900 CDN), and a pair of Magnepan 3.7i loudspeakers ($5,995 USD / pair), the sound was clean, dynamic, and, to my ears, decidedly non-digital. ...



6 Moons - TAVES 2016 by Glen Wagenknecht


George Klissarov of exaSound Audio Design proudly demonstrated his highly regarded DAC and music player via a powerhouse Pass amp and the planar might of the Magnepan 3.7is. At US pricing of $3'499 for the e32 DAC, $3'849 for the e38 DAC and $1'999 for the Play Point Network Audio player, these constitute attractively priced efforts that are easy on the eye and miniscule of girth. The demonstration room may have been small but the quality of soundstage and delicacy of dynamic scale produced were huge. ...



Positive Feedback - TAVES 2016 by Malcolm J. Gomes



Moving on to the ExaSound room where George Klissarov presented us with his multichannel e38 DAC (US$3849) that has 8-channels. It is built in Canada around an ES9028PRO DAC Chip in a truly balanced design. The other components in the room included the Playpoint Network Audio player (US$2000), the Magnepan 3.7i loudspeakers (US$6000) and the venerable Pass Labs X-350.8 (C$20,000). The sound was polite and non-offensive, but not as involving as I would like. ...

YouTube - Exasound @ Magnepan @ Pass @ Taves 2016 Toronto


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